About Flow Research

Flow Research, Inc.

27 Water St.

Wakefield, MA  01880

(781) 245-3200

(781) 224-7552 (fax)  



Flow Research Services

Flow Research conducts syndicated or off-the-shelf studies in a wide variety of areas that can be purchased by anyone interested in the topics.  We create these studies through interviews with suppliers, distributors, and end-users.  Topics include Coriolis, magnetic, ultrasonic, vortex, positive displacement, and turbine flowmeters, as well as temperature sensors, temperature transmitters, infrared thermometers and thermal imagers, and pressure transmitters.  For information on our flow studies, go to Flow Studies. For information on our temperature studies, go to www.tempflows.com.

We also conduct custom projects for companies who are looking to expand their product line, merge with or acquire another company, or understand their customer needs better.  We are very experienced at doing user surveys that reveal hidden problems, emerging applications, and new product requirements.  We gather the data and analyze it in light of our wealth of data on instrumentation.  We then formulate strategies that help you achieve your goals.

In addition to studies and projects, we publish periodicals as part of our Worldflow Monitoring Service. The Worldflow Barometer helps companies stay on top of trends and technologies and interpret them so that they can make better business decisions.  Our new Worldflow Energy Monitor – an outgrowth of the Worldflow Process Industry Monitor – focuses on developments in oil & gas, petrochemical, and renewable energy industries.  It also reflects our increasing focus on the oil and gas flow markets.  As part of the Worldflow Monitoring Service, we also produce periodic Worldflow User Perspective reports and timely Flash Reports. For more information on the Worldflow Monitoring Service, go to www.worldflow.com

Flow Research specializes in instrumentation.  We work with companies individually to formulate strategies that will help them compete in an increasingly competitive world.  Dr. Jesse Yoder, founder of Flow Research, has been working in process control since 1986 and writing market research studies since 1990.  He and his team have studied hundreds of companies during this time and have advised most of the top flowmeter suppliers on market and product strategies. 

Dr. Yoder has written 65 market studies since 1990 and more than 60 technical articles on instrumentation published in industry journals, many of which can be found online at www.flowresearch.com/articles.htm.  Consult www.flowresearch.com for a current list of our off-the-shelf studies available for immediate delivery.


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